Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I have been living on my iphone since I got it..
Sorry for the quality of the photos!

My dear friend Leila got me these Alexander Wang knits!!
thought they were sold out but she got them in camel and black and another pullover!! YAY LOVE YOU!

I just took my digital SLR out so expect some photos soon.. (yes I promise you this time!!! lol)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!

Happy holiday everyone!!! =D

*photo taken in Roppongi Hills

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Sorry I haven't updated the blog for soo long.

didn't have many photos taken but I have some big news! haha

We adopted this little puppy from a shelter in Chiba (near Tokyo).
She's only 3 months old but already bigger than Pudding! =D
Probably a Husky mix I guess..

Because of the "doubled" price here in Tokyo, I haven't shopped a lot...
but have been shopping online and over the phone buying from the stores in the states :P

will try to show you the new stuff sooon!!!